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Challenge n°7 Geopolitics

Peace and influence

a) Arab and African countries

What ?

Algeria, given its geographical location, potentials, strategic assets, history, and political positions, is integrated into a significant regional, continental, and international context.

Why ?

We position ourself with the perspective of enhancing these achievements by working towards complete openness and promoting cooperation with all countries that Algeria maintains cooperative relations with.

How ?

  • Strengthening current relationships and advance the project of building the Unified Arab Maghreb, through significant concrete measures.
  • Facilitating the freedom of movement of people and goods, as well as the ability to settle and work, for citizens of member countries.

  • Creating joint institutions that promote economic integration and ensuring investments made in different countries.

  • Strengthening ties with other Arab countries and advocate for a complete reform of all current organs and institutions, along with their modes of operation, identified as sources of constraints.

  • Consolidating diverse relationships between Algeria and all countries on the continent.

  • Undertaking all necessary initiatives to promote and defend the interests and rights of African countries in all areas, within the framework of the African Union (AU) and other regional and international bodies.


b) European community countries

What ?

Algeria’s natural expanse stretches from the Mediterranean basin to the African Sahara (Sahel). Our policy should target both our southern and northern neighbors across the Mediterranean.

Why ?

With European Union countries, Algeria holds a privileged status that could be further emphasized, especially given its substantial contribution to supplying certain markets in the region with oil and gas. Additionally, Algeria has the potential to become an electricity exporter in the near future.

How ?

  • Developing the country’s relations with the European and international community is crucial.
  • Establishing a substantial political and economic dynamic through revised association and partnership agreements and the « revised » neighborhood policy.

  • Creating win-win agreements that take into consideration the volatility of prices and costs.

  • Including technology transfer in all economic and trade agreements that Algeria signs.

  • Implementing a responsible and equitable immigration policy that respects the dignity of Algerian citizens.