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Challenge n°6 Governance / democracy

Rule of law

a) The State and its institutions

What ?

The strengthening and consolidation of the State and its institutions, the clear definition of their missions and inter‐relationships, as well as their relations with citizens constitute the basis of our future actions.

Why ?

Because strong institutions guarantee the rule of law and national cohesion.

How ?

  • Separating the different components of power (Executive, Legislative and Judicial).

  • Balancing the missions and prerogatives given to these instances, to avoid situations of monopoly and/or primacy.
  • Sharing the powers between local authorities and the central administration to ensure their autonomy and responsibility, in order to sustainably establish the rule of law on solid and lasting foundations.
  • Building a constitutional edifice that lends credibility to the rule of law and overcomes the dysfunctions and inadequacies that affect its credibility and consistency.

b) Countervailing powers

What ?

The democratic process requires institutions capable of checks and balances to ensure a distribution and balance of powers.

Why ?

To enable the State (and its institutions) to exercise its sovereign role of control and regulation free from any hindrance. This involves an effective separation of the different branches of power (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial).

How ?

  • Ensuring through constitutional provisions the separation and balance of powers.

  • Guaranteeing the existence of a fourth power, the media, by ensuring genuine freedom of expression for the media.

  • Removing all monopolies to ensure financial independence for the fourth power.

  • Providing spaces for civil society to express itself throughout the territory.

  • Decriminalizing press and opinion offenses.

c) Territorial development and decentralization

What ?

Decentralization is the ability of citizens to directly manage daily affairs through the elected representatives they have chosen. The increase in prerogatives is accompanied by mechanisms for popular control.

Why ?

Because we are all involved in the management of our local public space. Waiting for decisions to be made at the top is no longer in line with our times.

How ?

  • Transfering the competencies and associated budgets from Daïras and Wilayas to Municipalities.

  • Implementing a new territorial division taking into account density and land area. This will result in an increase in the number of municipalities.

  • Ensuring the accessibility of public sessions of local and regional assemblies, which should also be recorded, archived, and freely accessible.

  • Ensuring that citizens can exercise their right of control and opposition through a simple petition.

d) Fight against corruption

What ?

Corruption originates from ambiguities and areas prone to abuse. We will work specifically to establish effective and efficient mechanisms, both upstream and downstream, to combat corruption and promote ethics in public life.

Why ?

Corruption infiltrates all sectors of Algeria: the economic sector, information sphere, and even institutions.

How ?

  • Multiplying proximity services in neighborhoods and communities, strengthen public administrations and services with qualified human resources and suitable material resources.

  • Decentralizing decision-making and public services centers, ensure citizen demands are met, and penalize lax and arbitrary behavior from public servants.

  • Revising the municipality and province codes with the aim of reinforcing the prerogatives of local elected officials and limiting elective mandates to a maximum of 2 terms.

  • Strengthening the right to form associations and ultimately allow for better societal organization.

  • Guaranteeing freedom of opinion and expression in the country, while focusing on establishing regulatory instruments and protection mechanisms for whistleblowers, whether they are journalists or citizens.