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Challenge n°1 Social

Protection of citizens

a) Justice

What ?

Equality in rights and duties for all Algerians, regardless of their gender or social level, is one of our unshakable principles.

Why ?

To regain the trust of the Algerian citizens and change the image of the judiciary and the entire judicial system to move towards a qualitative justice.

How ?

  • Ensuring the protection of magistrates from any form of pressure.
  • Combatting the corruption of magistrates and the judicial system through a system of oversight.
  • Ensuring fundamental and ongoing training for magistrates.
  • Introducing a lottery system for to select magistrates from a preselction based on skills.

  • Establishing mechanisms and decision-making processes that protect against any form of abusing and arbitrariness.

  • Removing all hindrances et obstacles of any kind and nature that stops the full expression of the pursuit of effective freedom, flourishing, a well-being and liberty, and a social justice.

b) Security

What ?

Security is the assurance of the physical, material, and moral integrity of all citizens.

Why ?

Because an inclusive society involves the expression of all its members. The state, in its sovereign role, aids and safeguards this expression.

How ?

  • Defining and protecting the public space as a venue for the exercise of individual and collective freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.
  • Exercising the power of coercion to protect citizens in the exercise of their individual freedom.
  • Ensuring the support of all victims and providing them protection and assistance without any judgment of value.
  • Combatting all forms of organized crime.
  • Ensuring a fair presence of law enforcement forces across the entire territory.

c) Health system

What ?

Healthcare is another Achilles’ heel of our country. Dilapidated, inadequate, and insufficient reception structures, a limited number of specialized medical personnel, and a lack of availability of medications, especially for certain chronic conditions and others.

Why ?

To achieve a genuine revival in the healthcare sector that Algeria needs, there is a need for upgrading healthcare centers, staff training, and producing medications that align with new discoveries, all while ensuring the expected care and treatment.

How ?

  • Initiating a diagnostic assessment of the healthcare system (healthcare facilities, training, etc.).
  • Expanding healthcare facilities through partnerships with public-private and foreign public-public entities, decentralizing and specializing them.
  • Ensurging continuous training for healthcare staff.
  • Based on an independent audit, initiating a program for certification and standardization to international standards.
  • Implementing an incentivizing healthcare policy to address medical deserts.
  • Ensuring suitable working conditions and recognizing the value of the entire medical profession.
  • Addressing legal gaps in the private sector to give it its rightful place within the healthcare system.

d) Social protection

What ?

The social protection system encompasses all the mechanisms guaranteed by the state to provide social protection for citizens.

Why ?

To protect all citizens against social risks, enabling them to cope with the financial consequences of increased expenses or decreased income.

How ?

  • Enhancing the coverage system for policyholders, making it fair and consistent with the social reality.
  • Ensuring parents have access to public nurseries and childcare services in coordination with local communities and in line with the social reality.
  • Ensuring a minimum solidarity income for all citizens who have reached retirement age and are unable to work.
  • Contributing to the upgrading of the social security system through measures aimed at strengthening national solidarity and mutual support, and promoting the exercise of workers’ rights.
  • Reforming the unemployment insurance fund by directly financing it through contributions from wages.
  • Enhancing the integration of individuals with reduced mobility by encouraging their employment.

e) Employment and the fight against unemployment

What ?

Training would only make sens if the labour market is abundant and active.

Why ?

Algeria is one of the few countries to display a chronic unemployment, an under employment as hard on its human resources and national skills. We advocate questioning this aspect and truly and effectively taking care of the employment problem.

How ?

  • Pointing out the appropriate authority in charge of unemployment statistics, aiming to truly determine the size of the problem to find out the necessary solutions.
  • Assessing the various measures put in place in terms of employment (ANADE, ANGEM, CNAC) and find concrete solutions, through a neutral and independant structure.
  • Putting an end to all excesses registered on this aspect and the waste of public funds on behalf of social peace.
  • Report and justify the programs put in place before the parliament and the social and economical partners for regular adjustments.
  • Conceding in favor of companies that agree to be part of the spirit and dynamic of the approach of tax incentives and a certain priority or preference in the award of public contracts.
  • Combatting the brain drain phenomenon of the country by providing the necessary conditions for a better use of its human potential, by promoting training, by helping the stability of the elites on different levels and encouraging the return of those who have left the country.