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Challenge n°4 Culture and Education

Identity and universality

a) The school of tomorrow and the training of future generations

What ?

Education is a right for all, with equal conditions of quality and opportunities for success. The vision for the school of tomorrow starts with freeing it from constraints.

The school is the primary institution that must educate citizens about the ecological and economic challenges of the future.

Why ?

The establishment of an Algerian « excellence » school is a nurturing school that allows the child to think for themselves and be happy at school; a school open to the world and resolutely focused on the future, both in form: quality of education provided, culture conveyed, and infrastructure; and in substance: content, methods, pedagogy, and perspectives.

How ?

  • Restructuring of the educational system administratively, pedagogically, and socially, taking into account geographical specificities.
  • Implement a state strategy to achieve top rankings in international education systems.
  • Adjusting the annual timetable to invigorate socio-educational activities by integrating them into the pedagogical content.
  • Promoting civic and associative engagement within the educational journey.
  • Supporting cooperation with major foreign universities and specialized schools.
  • Recognition of the social status of educational personnel.

b) Creative activities

What ?

This encompasses all cultural activities that require mobilization and support from the State because their profitability extends over several years and contributes to the radiance of Algeria (design, fashion, video game industry, etc.).

Why ?

Because the current world witnesses a hybridization of skills between technical and artistic domains, making their classification challenging. Creative industries address this need.

How ?

  • Creating a state fund dedicated to creative industries, managed by a commission elected by the stakeholders of the sector.
  • Eliminating all restrictive permits and authorizations for the practice of creative activities.
  • Introducing an obligation to provide creative and recreational spaces at the local community level.
  • Implementing a policy of digitizing cultural heritage.
  • Preserving the specificities of each region, considered as a part of an inseparable and inalienable whole, and allow their expression through festivals that engage all social strata.
  • Creating vocational training programs for the creative industries.

c) Arts

What ?

It’s the identity of a people, a country, a nation. Our artistic heritage is rich, diverse, and ancient.

Why ?

Because Algerian art is experiencing real sabotage and alienation, we must preserve it by allowing it to be expressed fully and without hindrance. Art is essential to enable the people to see themselves, interpret, and project themselves into the world.

How ?

  • Creating the status of an artist that guarantees income throughout their life through their artistic and training activities.
  • Completely liberalizing the sectors of audiovisual production and performing arts by creating the status of « artistic company. »
  • Ending the state monopoly and delegate the management of theaters and entertainment venues to artistic companies.
  • Abolishing the committees, commissions, and reading and censorship assemblies for all cultural productions.
  • Protecting all artistic works, ensure their distribution, and codify access to them based on their content.
  • Introducing artistic practice in primary and secondary education, which will help create alternative paths towards professionalization.
  • Encouraging the creation of artistic hubs and private art schools.